
#116 - Dog Led Walks tips for success

dog walks tips and tricks Dog-led Walks: Make Walks Safe and Fun for your Habibi Bear puppy

As the summer winds down to a close, and the hot weather begins to cool, it is the perfect time to take advantage of those perfect conditions and treat our little Habibi Bear guys and gals to outdoor adventures. Even if they are small and perfectly sized for easy maintenance, our Habibi Bear pups are the Original Teddy Bear dogs with the emphasis on the word dogs. And what do dogs love? Walks! 

Dog-led walks are the ultimate sensory experience and the perfect opportunity to be a dog in all their canine glory.

  1. It may not seem like it, but a dog-led walk still allows our Habibi Bear pups to exercise mentally and physically, keeping them in tip-top condition. A walk provides mental stimulation for dogs because of the amount of smells they get to experience and identify. A dog’s super power is their superior sense of smell, which is 100,00 times better than humans. Thirty-three percent of a dog’s brain is dedicated to detecting odors, which means when they are outside, your Habibi Bear pup is treated to a wonderland of delightful smells and odors to explore and file away for future comparison and reference. One dog walker we knew used to call a dog walk “reading the morning paper” and ever since then, that charming image remains as we take our dogs out on walks. Walking your dog and letting them set the pace for smelling and sniffing time lets them exercise their body and their mind simultaneously.

  2. Did you know that even the shortest outing can provide your dog with the benefits they need to flourish? Getting outside exposes your Habibi Bear pup to natural light and places them in their natural environment, the wind in their fur and the earth beneath their paws, as nature intended. We know that today our pups spend the majority of their time inside with those that they love and we love that, while acknowledging that first and foremost, your Habibi Bear pup is a dog who needs to have a little outside time as well to be well-balanced and happy.
  3. Dog-led walks give you the perfect opportunity to share quality time with your pup without the distraction of devices and allow the two of you to deepen your bond to new levels of trust and affection. Make your dog walk even more satisfying by allowing your dog to take the lead, and let their nose take you both on an adventure. There will be occasions when they may spend more time on a particular spot for a longer period of time, and others when they try to cover larger areas to smell. Whatever it is that your Habibi Bear pup wants to explore (as long as it is safe) is a green light, and letting your pup take charge is excellent for building their confidence and trust in you! By allowing your Habibi Bear pup to lead, you are demonstrating an example of cooperation and partnership. You are building a bond as a team, and that is priceless. 
  4. If you don’t have a lot of time for random walks outside of your home, you could play a game of hide-go-seek and place some treats in your yard and lead your dog out to find them under your supervision. Your Habibi Bear pup will be in heaven as it discovers goodies in your garden as a reward for their sniffing skills. Please make sure your yard hasn’t been sprayed with herbicides or insecticides beforehand if you plan on this game.

To keep the walks safe, put the phones away and be aware of the environment and conditions of where you two are exploring. Bring high value treats such as chicken, cheese, or dehydrated liver chunks in case you need to get your Habibi Bear puppy’s attention immediately. Keep your pup away from areas with large swaths of foxtails and other dried nuisance plants that can travel through their nose or tender paws. With a little preparation, you and your Habibi Bear puppy can reap the rewards of outdoor togetherness and a shared experience, making memories that last a lifetime. 

What is your dog’s favorite area to explore or walk? Are they a beach dog or a mountain top explorer? Send us your photos of your little Habibi Bear guy or gal to share with other members of our Habibi Bear Tribe! We love hearing from you and remember, we are always here, cheering you on!