2015-2016 Habibi Bear teddy bear puppies

We are excited to share this page with you! We know how much you love to see your puppy as he was when you first fell in love with him so we created this page to share your original litter photos with you. 

With some many amazing litters over the years, we don't have an individual page for each litter from the past so you will instead find your puppy in the galleries

habibi bear teddy bear puppies for therapy & emotional support 

What wonderful years for our breeding program.  
Many puppies living their lives as therapy and service dogs, life doesn't get much better than this.

jack-o-lantern Litter


the confetti  Litter


wrinkle in time litter


coffee break Litter 


Little Bird Litter


Flora Litter


Let's connect on Instagram @theofficialhabibibear