Happy Tails & Hearts

Real Stories of Joyful Puppy Adoptions at Habibi Bears

Read our Reviews!

With over thirty years of raising these magical puppies, we have many beautiful stories to share. There is nothing more rewarding than receiving letters and phone calls from our Habibi Bear Family, telling us how much they love and adore their furkids!  These families are the heart of everything we do, and we thank them all for allowing us to facilitate such a special event in their lives; bringing them together with a new family member.   There is little in this life that can compare to the joy we feel in knowing that our dogs are fulfilling their purpose, and that we had a small part in creating a family's happy ending with their dog. 

 We invite you to read a small sampling of letters from our families, some go back to the very beginning of our journey and development of our breed. Over the next few months, we will be adding more entries and featuring a special family each month.   So, please keep those letters coming, you give us inspiration to continue doing what we love most

Meet Harry Winston: Mini Chocolate Merle

Hi Julie, Harry would like to say hello! I can't tell you how much we love him. He's such a big part of our lives and we can't even imagine life without him at all. He's also very healthy and 2 years old now. Never needed a vet appointment beyond checkup. We have a friend who's wife just passed away and he’s interested in getting a dog. Of course I recommend Habibi Bears to him!


Meet Mimo Bear: 

Apricot Tuxedo

Thank you for this incredible gift you’ve created and given me. I am so incredibly grateful for my Habibi Bear! Anyone who gets to know him comments on how much personality this little bear has. He's a perfect mixture of fun & sassy, sweet & loving, and beyond all that, he also has a very important job—he is my service dog. He is so smart and willing to learn what’s required of him. He knows when he has to work and he knows when to be silly. He makes my husband laugh on a daily basis and has a special donkey kick move that is just ridiculously cute. I can't believe he's real sometimes. I feel extremely lucky to have him.

Thank you for my AMAZING Habibibear!!!

p.s. Julie's description of Mimo during puppy selection was 100% correct! From personality to size, although he definitely loves to eat and responds very well to treats.



Meet Einstein:
Blue Merle Habibi

Everyone thinks he's a puppy all the time. He IS the love of my life.

We each have moments in our lives where we make a choice.  A choice, that now looking back, we never could imagine any other choice ever being made. Our life is forever changed and a day doesn't go by where we aren't thankful that that choice was made.Einstein was that choice for me.It was late one night where I got thinking about my past, my future and how something felt missing. I got up and started to do some research and it was at that time where I stumbled on a little site and these adorable Habibi Bears. 

Years ago, I fell in love with one little guy named Marlowe,  a schnoodle and I never forgot that pup. I always told myself if I were to have a dog, he or she would be as cute, smart and friendly as Marlowe. I sat there in my room thinking and thinking. I was reviewing all the images of those pups and then something compelled me to go for it. And I made that choice that night.

The anticipation for his arrival almost ruined me, but eventually, Luke, who would later be renamed to Einstein, came in my life and we haven't looked back since. I sometimes go back and think about that night I made that choice and wondering what if? I simply cannot imagine not having my best friend in my life. It has been single handily the best choice I have ever made. Thank you to the wonder family that gave me Einstein.  Always in my heart.

Thank you a million times over. Be in touch,


Meet latte & mocha: standard boys

They get so much love and they provide us with so much laughter, happiness, exercise and overall enjoyment! I must say, they have been everything you said they would be and more! I had hoped for sweet, patient, lovable and smart and they are over the top on everything!

Hi Julie,

So great to hear from you!  I'm so glad the standards have the same blood lines.  We love our Latte and Mocha!  Latte gives me a hug every morning and Mocha has the most expressive eyes you've ever seen!  My friend  called me yesterday and said she has applied and put down a deposit for their baby.  Soooooo exciting!  Latte and Mocha will be 8 next week so we'll be celebrating!  They have a new baby/giant schnauzer brother they are contending with but Mocha still rules the roost!  They still spend their days running through our field and going on hikes and camping trips.  (Truly, a pretty awesome life!)  I'd love to see photos of your breeding standards at some point.  I found an Instagram account last week of Habibi's which was so weird because I came across several pups who were obviously related to our guys.  I guess I just hadn't browsed the net so it was CRAZY!  Anyway, so glad to hear things are going well.  We'll look forward to seeing the Huvard's baby this Winter.  




Meet Bandit: Sable Girl

Hey Julie,

This is Helen and I just wanted to thank you for all that you did taking care of Bandit (Paris).  She goes into her crate without any fuss, and actually started crying yesterday because her litter box was inside her pen and she couldn't get to it.  Her potty training is going absolutely great!
Bandit is really adjusting well to our home and we love her already! Thanks for everything!

Helen and Bandit

Meet Archie: Sable parti color boy

Hi Julie!

Hope all is well.  I wanted your thoughts on a puppy for our beloved Archie (previously named Lancelot).   As you know, he’s now 1 year old.   He is the most amazing dog (I’m sure you hear that about all your dogs)🥰.

I’m thinking it might be fun for Archie to have a playmate (a Habibi of course).   He’s completely spoiled and goes almost everywhere with us.   How do you think he would react to a puppy in his home?   Is this a good idea?  

Please share your thoughts with me.

Thank you,



Meet Cubby: Parti Color Girl

We hope you’re having a great summer… here are so recent pictures of Cubby. She is doing great, turned 2 this July as you know :)

So in love with her as is everyone who meets her.


Meet Wookie: Mini Aprocit Boy

Hi Julie!

Just wanted to give you an update on our wonderful puppy Wookie (Moody)

He is doing so well!! We moved to San Antonio Texas and we are all loving the warm weather.

Wookie is proving to be an excellent therapy dog for Jackson. He is great at bringing Jackson out of meltdowns and he is well loved by all of us.

I hope you are doing well!! Love and light to you!

Here are some pictures!



Meet Parker:  
Mini Apricot Tuxedo

Hi Julie,

I have been meaning to send you an update forever!  How are you?  Life here with Parker is wonderful :).  Parker is the light in our lives, he is such a joy.  Thank you so much for the most special pup ever.  It's been just over a year since we adopted him and i couldn't imagine life without him.

We have done puppy school, and one other course, and i am thinking of doing some drop in agility soon.  He is super agile, he is fast, prances, and jumps very well.  Parker is sooo sweet, he doesn't have a mean bone in his body.  He is very social, with dogs and people.  Not to mention, he is SUPER CUTE!   He really is everything i wanted in a dog.  I'm so glad i waited as long as i did for him (you offered dogs from other litters).  People tell me all the time how cute he is!  And how sweet is!  I have given your website out to a few that were interested.  Have you had many inquiries from my area?  I know if you could clone him, many would be interested.  He really is a sweet, sweet boy.

I promise i will send you pictures shortly!  I have not uploaded them onto my laptop yet, but i will try to do it this weekend and get them to you shortly.  He had his first camping trip, first time running freely on the beautiful sandy beaches of the west coast, first lake swim.... and many more. Actually, i will send you a few snapshots from my phone in a separate email because i want you to see him.  And the camera pics will follow another day.

Bye for now :)


Meet Leto: 
Standard Sable Bicolor 

Leto had his new puppy check-up and it seems he's a perfectly healthy, happy little butterball (he's almost 8 pounds now!) so what address should we send the little form you left with us? and also, here's a recent photo (we don't get many pictures of him awake, he doesn't do much sitting still then =p) 

His coat it gorgeous, the sable has little sprinkles of gray mixed in and he has sprinkles of a really pretty peach color on his face, paws and belly where the sable and white parts meet, so adorable! He has the perfect personality too, social, playful, and a super quick learner, we just love him so much =)


Meet Jack: Standard Blue Merle

Hi Julie,  I thought you might enjoy a picture of Jack after his first grooming a few months ago.  He has such a lovely temperament and is a beautiful dog.  The kids adore him and enjoy having someone do what they say for a change.  "sit, down, come, good boy!"  :).  Thank you for helping us find the right fit for our family.  He is a wonderful guard dog as well.  He is already 45 lbs and growing.  Yeah :) I get my big doggie after all!  

Hope all is well with you.  


Meet Cooper: 
Sable with Mask

Cooper has been such an amazing addition to our family! He continues to bring a smile to all of our faces everyday! Thank you for sharing the magic of Habibibears with us. Here are some of our favorite moments with him!


Let's connect on Instagram @theofficialhabibibear